It's based off of this pattern from Colette Patterns:
This was my first time working from a pattern, and it was one of those download-and-print-at-home ones. You have to tape them together one A4 piece of paper at a time, and they are made to test your geometry skills because they never, ever line up correctly.
Speaking of geometry, I also DRAFTED THESE ADORBZ PUFF SLEEVES!!!! I used this tutorial and imbibed a lot of red wine during the process I will hereafter refer to as "math".
But way before all that "math" ever started, this is what I had.
At this point in the evening (the mullet hair point), I had already taken the shirt in the following amounts:
- Under the arm: 0.5cm (front) and 1.5 cm (back)
- Bust: 2 cm
- Waist: 3.25cm
- Belly-button area: 3cm
The right picture is me trying to pin the back of the shirt while I'm wearing it. It wasn't pretty
So, I
- took another 3 cm off the back of the waist (tapering to 1 cm at armhole)
- moved the shoulder seam forward 2cm (front) 0.5cm (back)
- and made a lovely (kindof awkward) horizontal dart in the back.
The sleeves' diameters were 22 cm after I added ruffles, and they fit perfectly. I used my machine's #11 stitch, possibly called "triple stitch blind" for the seams, but they're already fraying, so that was a bad choice. Too bad my manual is in Japanese!
I love this shirt so much, I made a skirt to go with it. (Because it matches nothing I own.) We'll save that excitement for another post! (Spoiler: there are ZIPPERS!)
Neither me nor my messy balcony had seen direct sunlight in a while. Mmmmmmm, Spring.